Healthy Habits


At the end of 2016 at the age of 23 I found myself in a small white cubicle, in job that was not as fulfilling as I would have hoped, a little depressed and at a loss as to where everything was going and completely confused as to my plan forward.

I started my running journey just because it was the cheapest way to lose weight. I loved listening to music really loud and had too many thoughts (which I still have). I ran in hand-me-down Running shoes from my mom, which I was great full for, and I posted really bad quality picture on Instagram. Haha, so bad people.

At the end of 2016 at the age of 23 I found myself in a small white cubicle, in job that was not as fulfilling as I would have hoped, a little depressed and at a loss as to where everything was going and completely confused as to my plan forward. I was bored to say the least. So I started a blog. The article I read said to choose a topic that you can keep writing about that you won’t get bored off. So I chose Running.

In February 2017 a friend said I should apply for the ASICS Front runner Program. I had all the social media channels, had been pretty active in the running community and had found something that made if fun for me to get up in the mornings. SO why not? At this point I really don’t have anything to lose.

And by some miracle I got chosen! I can still remember my husband’s face when I told him that they were gonna fly me to cape town and I was gonna get some Free stuff! That was my first perception of it all anyway. But it turned into something so much more! I really and honestly knew nothing about ASICS or any other running shoes brand. Learning about the brand in that weekend with the ASICS SA team, getting to know other athletes, yes like Elite athletes. Here I was, just some young girl that likes to run and post pictures, probably just annoying everyone around her. It opened my entire world to say the least. And it made me proud to be part of something so big, even though I was just a small, small part of it. It made me want to better myself to help inspire others. It wasn’t about the stuff, it was about something so much more . To be part of the Sound body, Sound Mind movement!

Being part of this ASICS running community has taken me from just a young girl to someone that lends a hand in supporting and inspiring others in my community. I have grown with the program every year and I am very proud for all the things I have been able to achieve thanks to this program being such an inspiration in my life.

It has changed my life. And although it doesn’t pay in money, it payed off in life fulfillment, inspiration and experiences. I have traveled from Pretoria to Cape Town, to Lesotho, and all the way to PARIS! It all started with a young nobody that applied to be part of something bigger. Never did I ever think that It would have helped me become who I am today. It has made me a Happier, Healthier individual, and I want to share that with everyone!

Have you ever heard of the impostor syndrome? Well if you haven’t, then here is a textbook explanation on what it is:


noun: impostor syndrome

the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.

“people suffering from impostor syndrome may be at increased risk of anxiety”

But in more simple terms it is basically a constant fear of being ‘found out’ or being perceived as a fake and believe it or not everyone has it. Even all the fancy-pansy Influencers you see on your social media every day!

Its normal, and I think even if you are experiencing some doubts – enter anyway! If you want to be part of something bigger, better and live a healthy and active lifestyle, to help inspire others in you community then this is the way to do it!

Take the Risk – you literally have nothing to lose! And You have no idea of what the possibilities could be!

Watch this video if you need a little more inspiration! You could be one of these people – just because you love running!

APPLY NOW – Click Here – ASICS FRONTRUNNER 2021 Application form

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